GW BofA Goblin Wolfrider
GFI Wolfriders, Boarrider and wolf
GW Warmaster Goblin Wolfrider

2 DFI Goblins
3 GFI Orcs
Pendraken Orc
Copplestone Orc

Pendraken Orc
All 7 Orcs (I think) from GFI's Orc mixed warriors pack
Pendraken Night Goblin

Chariot Lizardmen Priest and Swordsman
Pendraken Lizardman, Tribal Lizardman and Newt
GFI Lizardman

The full range of GFI lizardmen.
I really like the slightly cartoony style of these scuplts.

GFI 5 Skeletons and 2 Dwarves.
These are not on their site but I assume are available on request.

9 more figures from GFI. I think 3 of these are the Black Orcs, the other 7 are not listed on their site.

2 GFI Centaurs between wolf-centaurs from Pendraken.